Making a real difference.

Structure and Membership

The DC Arts Education Alliance comprises executive directors from organizations whose primary focus (51% or more) is arts education.   The Alliance meets monthly as a full group.  A self-selecting smaller group meets weekly to serve as the Steering Committee.   

The only requirement for participation on the Steering Committee is a commitment to consistently attend the weekly meetings.   People may join the Steering Committee at any time. Smaller working groups may also form project based sub committees as work and interest dictate.  Decisions are made via consensus.

Generally speaking monthly meetings are reserved for policy updates of note impacting the arts education community in DC, calls to action and topical discussions.  Weekly meetings are reserved for developing an advocacy agenda and peer support. 

On occasion, the Steering Committee will engage the services of a lobbyist or other outside consultant for advocacy leadership and support.  Associated costs are shared among Steering Committee members.

Administrative support is provided by Sitar Arts Center. To join inquire here.

Member Organizations